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Lonedell R-XIV


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Volunteer Information and Required Video Link

Hello Bobcat Families!

Here is what you need to know to participate in classroom parties, chaperone field trips, attend eighth grade end of year events, or volunteer in the building during the school year.

New Volunteers:

If there is even a slight possibility that you will attend an activity mentioned above, you MUST complete a volunteer packet at the beginning of the school year. New applicants should request a packet from their child’s teacher and return by the last school day in August. Please understand that all requirements in the volunteer packet must be met before your name will be added to the active volunteer list.

Existing Volunteers:

If you completed all the requirements and signed the volunteer waiver, you DO NOT need to complete new paperwork. The waiver gives me permission to run your screening each year until you notify me otherwise. To alleviate the back-to-school backlog and since background screenings are valid for a full year, I requested a new screening for this school year in June during summer school. The only requirement you have is to watch the mandated child safety video.  http://lonedell14-mo.safeschools.com/login

Please contact me for your username if you do not remember it. 

We ask that you complete all volunteer requirements as soon as possible. An updated Active volunteer list will be given to the office 2 weeks prior to events being held. For example, if you plan to attend your child’s Halloween party and fail to complete the paperwork and watch the video before October 17, your name won’t be on the list so you will NOT be able to attend.

We want everyone to be able to enjoy events with your children. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and we will be more than happy to help in any way we can.