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Lonedell R-XIV


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8th Grade Students Have Special Visitor

Representative from District 119, Brad Banderman, came as a special visitor to visit the Eighth Grade Constitution class on Friday, January 20. The students had sent congratulations and thank you cards to Representative Mike McGirl from District 118 and to Representative Banderman, who is known locally as Principal Banderman's husband! 

Representative Banderman spoke to the students about his experiences so far at the Capitol in Jefferson City, stating how beautiful and special the capital building is.  He explained his qualifications to run for office, his term, and other members of the Missouri Senate and Judicial Branch.  

As special as the discussions were on government, more importantly he talked to the kids about making good choices, listening to people who want to help and encourage them, to stay in school and get a great education.  He shared about the A+ program Missouri offers to receive two free years of post secondary education.  Each student in our class sat with great attention and thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Representative Banderman.